Baker & Spice

The success of Foodcraft Solutions can be traced all the way back to 1995, when the first Baker & Spice food shop opened in Walton Street, London.

The original London location happened to be a bakery with a 150-year old pedigree and very large kitchens. Yael Mejia seized the opportunity to introduce a revolutionary concept at the time in London – creating a unique shop, where the only guiding principle was that everything was made daily, from scratch, on the premises, and everything had to be excellent.

Yael went to market everyday, shopping seasonally, while a team of 25 talented and dedicated bakers and chefs proceeded to turn these wonderful ingredients into lavishly presented sensational food.

With her team, she deconstructed classic recipes and put them together again in their purest form without the frills and excesses of modern cooking. No short cuts, no rounding of corners.

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